Cancer Research Centre Feasibility Study, Hunter Medical Research Institute

Newcastle, Australia
Project 2010

Feasibility Study for Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) Cancer Research Centre, situated next to the Calvary Mater Hospital in Newcastle.

The design proposed to bring various partners together in a new model of integration.

Innovative shared work environments and technology would facilitate and encourage collaboration and foster a research and education culture that responds directly to the community health needs of Cancer and Mental Health Research Programs.

The building is sited on an artificial hill, well above the Calvary Mater Hospital, giving it considerable visual prominence. At a likely five levels, it will be highly visible, and from some distance, even from Newcastle city centre.

The proposed design projects a sense of clarity of purpose and confidence of form befitting the building’s position and location.

The building is designed to be measured and rational, with a clearly expressed architectural form, and to display its environmentally sustainable features.