Adelaide, Australia
Treasury Wine Estates
Project 2012 – 2015
The redevelopment of Penfolds Magill Estate creates a unique, integrated visitor experience providing a new Cellar Door with tasting rooms; a café; meeting and educational spaces; winery tours; and personal cellars for VIP customers.
The new Cellar Door is relocated to the central heart of the site allowing visitors to experience the heritage aspects of the winery including the earliest cellars and their original stone walls. Modern architectural insertions including blackened metal art screens, display Penfolds wine bottles with their distinctive red caps.
Perforated timber ceilings reference the South Australian coastline and Penfolds vineyard locations through the state. This flows from the Cellar Door to the new café, Magill Estate Kitchen. The Kitchen uses a combination of lighting through the perforated timber, recreating the feeling of dappled sunlight shining through the vines. Located in a transparent glass cube, the Kitchen allows visitors to enjoy views of the heritage-listed Grange Cottage and the surrounding vineyard, when dining indoors or on the grand veranda.
2017 AIA South Australian Chapter – The Keith Neighbour Award for Commercial Architecture
2017 AIA South Australian Chapter – The Robert Dickson Award for Interior Architecture