Melbourne, Australia
The University of Melbourne
Project 2015
The Royal Parade Biosciences Zone Study at The University of Melbourne, comprises the north-central portion of the zone from Tin Alley to Genetics Lane in Parkville.
The study addresses a number of important campus objectives. It provides an ‘open door’ to the University at an urban scale and as the new front door for the Biosciences. It also highlights achievements within the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Science and the School of Biosciences through the building itself. And it lifts facilities for ‘Teaching at Scale’ (large lecture theatres, laboratories) by one or two-storeys above ground plane to provide more transparent and flexible ground floor experience, allowing views and attracting people through the building to the University.
Pedagogically, it creates an opportunity for the journey through the building to be a ‘retail exposure of the Biosciences’ with nodes of activity and interest to reflect the key messages of the faculties and Schools.