Brisbane, Australia
South Bank Corporation
Project 1997 – 1999
A central aspect of Denton Corker Marshall’s South Bank masterplan, the Arbour is a kilometre long architectural / sculptural installation, providing a physical and visual link between the many facilities of the South Bank precinct.
Sinuous steel posts, up to ten metres high, support a bank of purple bougainvillea, either above, to the side, or entirely enveloping the curved path. The juxtaposition of the various post configurations creates a diversity of spaces from tight and enclosed to wide and expansive. Overlapping steel panels form a plated yellow ribbon canopy along half the Arbour’s length.
A total of 406 galvanized steel posts are spaced at four metre nominal centres. Composed of three parts, each with three variants, there are a possible 108 different permutations to the post profiles. Advanced CAD modelling and a modular system of components were utilised to aid design and construction.